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Ontario Housing Market Update: Seize the Opportunity

If you’re eyeing a new home in Ontario in the near future, it’s time to gear up and take action now. Recent trends in the Ontario housing market indicate a significant uptick, making it a pivotal moment for potential home buyers to make their move swiftly and strategically.

The Surge in Home Prices

Since the start of 2024, Ontario’s housing market has seen a remarkable surge in prices. From an initial $804K in January to a noteworthy $875K by mid-February, representing an impressive 8.8% increase in just 7 weeks, the market is clearly on an upward trajectory. This surge can be attributed to a substantial rise in new listings and transactions, indicating a growing demand that is expected to continue in the upcoming months.

Increased Units Sold

The increase in units sold further highlights the robustness of the market. Following a slowdown in December 2023, sales surged by 43.36% in January, signaling a renewed interest from buyers as the winter season wanes. This surge is expected to continue as we approach spring, traditionally a period of heightened activity in the real estate market.

Spring: A Catalyst for Competition

As we head into spring, the Canadian housing market typically experiences increased competition. Warmer weather, higher listings, and a family-friendly environment create a conducive atmosphere for buyers. Historical data from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) indicates that average national home prices peak during March or April, with listings and the Sold-to-List Price Ratio (SPAR) also showing significant increases during this period.

What It Means for Home Buyers

For prospective home buyers, this means that acting swiftly is crucial. With the market showing signs of continued growth and competition expected to intensify, making a move sooner rather than later can be advantageous. On average, home prices tend to increase by 5.5% during the spring season, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities promptly.


In conclusion, the Ontario housing market is experiencing a surge in prices and activity, making it an opportune time for home buyers to enter the market. Acting promptly and strategically can help buyers navigate through a competitive landscape and secure their dream home amidst rising prices and demand.